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Jumping spiders of America North of Mexico

Jumping spiders of America North of Mexico Home Previous genus: Paradamoetas
Genus List Next genus: Phanias

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Vegetation-dwelling dendryphantines of fairly small size, widespread throughout North America including the arctic, typically having brown males with white stripes and mottled brown or gray or yellow females.

For more information and links to the species, go to Pelegrina in the Tree of Life.

References most relevant to species north of Mexico: Maddison (1996), Kaston (1973), Cutler and Jennings (1985).


The sides of the face of males ("cheeks") often have an extra white stripe, the embolus is broader at the tip than in many other dendryphantines, and the epigynum has robust flaps covering the openings.

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Foliage-dwelling. Some species prefer herbs or low shrubs (P. insignis), others understory vegetation (P. proterva), others open grassy habitats (P. galathea), while others are specialists on conifers (P. flavipedes and others).

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