1. Head with prominent suborbital tubercle behind each eye (in ventral view these appear as prominent lateral angles on shelf extending across base of mentum); eye extended far behind middle of temporal lobe. .............................2 1'. Head without suborbital tubercles; eye anterior to middle of temporal lobe. ..................................Ameroglymmius
2(1). Antennal sclerites either contiguous in midline or else separated by less than half the width of the median lobe; base of elytral interval I not forming a tooth. .................................................Juxtaglymmius 2'. Antennal sclerites separated by at least the width of the median lobe; base of elytral interval I forming anteriorly directed tooth. ........................Plesioglymmius s. str.
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Key to the Subgenera of Plesioglymmius
Ross T. BellAbout This Page
Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Page copyright © 2000 Ross T. Bell
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