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Cirroctopus hochbergi Measurements
hochbergi Description
Steve O'Shea, Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione
Sex |
Female |
Male? |
Male |
Male |
? |
ML, mm |
151 |
126 |
89 |
88 |
58 |
MW, mm |
132 |
105 |
132 |
91 |
57 |
Fin length |
158 |
108 |
154 |
81 |
78 |
Fin width |
47 |
47 |
64 |
32 |
29 |
Length, arm I |
324 |
274 |
290 |
170 |
145 |
Length, arm II |
316 |
279 |
325 |
170 |
148 |
Length, arm III |
314 |
271 |
304 |
162 |
154 |
Length, arm IV |
300 |
255 |
280 |
147 |
140 |
Web depth, sect. A |
194 |
150 |
120 |
117 |
90 |
Web depth, sect. B |
174 |
160 |
162 |
117 |
87 |
Web depth, sect. C |
157 |
142 |
163 |
95 |
82 |
Web depth, sect. D |
131 |
123 |
100 |
80 |
70 |
Web depth, sect. E |
81 |
67 |
78 |
50 |
48 |
Sucker counts, arm I |
86 |
78 |
72 |
72 |
77 |
Sucker counts, arm II |
88 |
77 |
77 |
74 |
77 |
Sucker counts, arm III |
86 |
78 |
72 |
72 |
73 |
Sucker counts, arm IV |
84 |
79 |
73 |
70 |
74 |
Max. arm sucker diam. |
5.5-6.0 |
5.2-6.0 |
6.0-7.0 |
3.0-3.1 |
2.5-3.0 |
Number, gill lamellae |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
8 |
Measurements are from O'Shea (1999). Measurements from right and left sides
are averaged and rounded.
O'Shea, Steve. 1999. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112: 280pp.
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Cirroctopus hochbergi Measurements
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