1. Clypeal setae present. .......................O. (Orthoglymmius) 1'. Clypeal setae absent. .......................................2
2(1). Spur of middle tibia straight; female with deepest lateral pits on sternum V; outer carina of pronotum very narrow, 0.33 or less as wide as paramedian grooves. .............................................O. (Carinoglymmius) 2'. Spur of middle tibia curved anteriorly; female with deepest pits on sternum IV; outer carina in most species subequal to paramedian groove (in two species only as wide as in Carinoglymmius. ............................................3
3(2). Apical stylet of antenna absent. ............................4 3'. Apical stylet present. ......................................9
4(3). Basal setae present on outer antennal segments. .............5 4'. Basal setae absent. .........................................7
5(4). Medial margin of temporal lobe with broad emargination between two widely separated medial angles. ...O. (Pyxiglymmius) 5'. Medial margin not emarginate or with one or two shallow emarginations; each temporal lobe with one medial angle or two or three which are close together. ......................6
6(5). Medial margin with transluccent area (ill defined in O. actae); medial margin with distinct emarginations (except in O. inaequalis). .............................................O. (Laminoglymmius) 6'. Medial margin without translucent area or emarginations; medial angle single. .........................O. (Boreoglymmius)
7(4). Medial angles with translucent areas. .........O. (Indoglymmius) 7'. Medial angles without translucent areas. ....................8
8(7). Eye large, its depth over half of the depth of the head; cornea distinctly faceted. .......O. (Omoglymmius sensu stricto) 8'. Eye reduced, its depth less than 0.25 of the depth of the head; cornea not visibly faceted. .............O. (Nitiglymmius)
9(3). Outer antennal segements with basal setae. ....O. (Hemiglymmius) 9'. Basal setae of antennae absent. ............................10
10(9). Eye large; cornea visibly facetted; frontal grooves obsolete. ..........................................O. (Navitia) 10'. Eye reduced, less than 0.25 of the depth of the head; cornea not visibly facetted; frontal grooves deep. ...O. (Caeconavitia)
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Key to the Subgenera of Omoglymmius
Ross T. BellAbout This Page
Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Page copyright © 2000 Ross T. Bell
All Rights Reserved.