A secondary eyelid often occurs in species that have a cornea. The eyelid encroaches over the cornea from the ventral side. The photograph on the left shows a secondary eyelid that is nearly closed. In the photograph on the right the cornea is more opaque in this preserved animal and the secondary eyelid is more open.
Cephalopod Secondary Eyelid
Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione, and Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)About This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)
Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls-Sur-Mer, France
Page copyright © 2001 , , and Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)
Page: Tree of Life
Cephalopod Secondary Eyelid
Authored by
Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione, and Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003).
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