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Sloanoglymmius planatus

Ross T. Bell
Containing group: Rhysodini


This subtribe of Rhysodini contains one genus, Sloanoglymmius Bell and Bell with one species from Australia, Sloanoglymmius planatus (Lea). This species occurs in the mountain forests of eastern Australia, from Australian Capital Territory and nearby parts of New South Wales south into Victoria. It has been found in the same logs as Leoglymmius lignarius, but seems more confined to moister forests than is the latter species.


Sloanoglymmius is 7.2-8.2 mm in length. The antennal segments V-X each have a single row of minor setae. The anterior part of the mentum is separated from the head capsule laterally by a narrow cleft. The eye is large and round. The head has large round temporal lobes with one temporal seta. The pronotum has basal impressions that are not preceded by discal striole. The pronotum is much broader than the head and has rectangular hind angles. The preceding margin is shallowly sinuate, and the lateral margin of the pronotum is sharp. The elytron has seven punctate striae. The middle and hind tibiae each have two small equal apical spurs. The hind wing is fully developed, and the beetle is probably capable of flight.

Relationship of Sloanoglymmiina to Other Rhysodines

The cleft between mentum and head capsule is a symplesiomorphy shared with Leoglymmiina. The single ring of minor setae is shared with Medisorina, Dhysorina, Rhysodina, and Omoglymmiina, a possible synapomorphy, else the result of convergence. The pronotum with large basal impressions is, superficially at least, more like those of other tribes of Carabidae than those of any other Rhysodini. The smooth, nearly glabrous body surfaces and the lack of paramedian grooves result in a resemblance to Yamatosa, Shyrodes, and Srimara (subtribe Omoglymmiina). At present, we regard this as convergence and consider Sloanoglymmius to be isolated (Bell and Bell 1991).

Other Names for Sloanoglymmius planatus


Bell, R. T. and J. R. Bell. 1991. The Rhysodini of Australia (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae or Rhysodidae). Annals Of The Carnegie Museum 60(3): 179-210.

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Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA

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Bell, Ross T. 1999. Sloanoglymmiina. Sloanoglymmius planatus. Version 14 December 1999. http://tolweb.org/Sloanoglymmius_planatus/1792/1999.12.14 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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