Andrew V. Z. Brower- Pseudolucia andina
- Pseudolucia annamaria
- Pseudolucia arauco
- Pseudolucia argentina
- Pseudolucia asafi
- Pseudolucia aureliana
- Pseudolucia avishai
- Pseudolucia benyamini
- Pseudolucia charlotte
- Pseudolucia chilensis
- Pseudolucia clarea
- Pseudolucia collina
- Pseudolucia dubi
- Pseudolucia grata
- Pseudolucia hazearum
- Pseudolucia henyah
- Pseudolucia humbert
- Pseudolucia jujuyensis
- Pseudolucia kechico
- Pseudolucia kinbote
- Pseudolucia lanin
- Pseudolucia magellana
- Pseudolucia neuqueniensis
- Pseudolucia oligocyanea
- Pseudolucia oraria
- Pseudolucia parana
- Pseudolucia patago
- Pseudolucia penai
- Pseudolucia plumbea
- Pseudolucia scintilla
- Pseudolucia shapiroi
- Pseudolucia sibylla
- Pseudolucia talia
- Pseudolucia tamara
- Pseudolucia ugartei
- Pseudolucia vera
- Pseudolucia whitakeri
- Pseudolucia zina
A genus of tiny blues from the high Andes of Chile and Argentina. Many of the species have been described recently by Szolt Bálint, Kurt Johnson and colleagues, and many of their names were selected from the life and work of Vadimir Nabokov (see Johnson's autobiographical narrative of these discoveries, Nabakov's Blues).
Johnson , K. and S. L. Coates. 2000. Nabokov's Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius. Zoland Books.
Lamas, G. (ed.) 2004 Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papiionoidea. Gainesville: Scientific Publishers/Association of Tropical Lepidoptera.
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
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. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 19 May 2008
- Content changed 19 May 2008
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Pseudolucia in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 19 May 2008 (under construction).