Andrew V. Z. Brower- subgenus Plebejus
- Plebejus aegidon
- Plebejus argus
- Plebejus baroghila
- Plebejus corsicus
- Plebejus eversmanni
- Plebejus firuskuhi
- Plebejus hypochiona
- Plebejus kwaja
- Plebejus saepiolus
- subgenus Lycaeides
- Plebejus agnata
- Plebejus anna
- Plebejus argyrognomon
- Plebejus baldur
- Plebejus bellieri
- Plebejus bergi
- Plebejus callaghani
- Plebejus calliopis
- Plebejus christophi
- Plebejus cleobis
- Plebejus dzhizaki
- Plebejus fridayi
- Plebejus ganssuensis
- Plebejus hishikawai
- Plebejus iburiensis
- Plebejus idas
- Plebejus lepidus
- Plebejus maracandicus
- Plebejus melissa
- Plebejus mongolicus
- Plebejus nevadensis
- Plebejus noah
- Plebejus nushibi
- Plebejus pseudoaegon
- Plebejus roxane
- Plebejus samudra
- Plebejus shuroabadicus
- Plebejus subsolanus
- Plebejus uiguricus
- Plebejus (Plebulina) emigdionis
- subgenus Eudemonia
- Plebejus annulata
- Plebejus astorica
- Plebejus berezowskii
- Plebejus eudemon
- Plebejus kogistana
- Plebejus lamasem
- Plebejus persephatta
- Plebejus privata
- subgenus Aricia
- Plebejus agestis
- Plebejus artaxerxes
- Plebejus cramera
- Plebejus issekutzi
- subgenus Ultraaricia
- Plebejus anteros
- Plebejus bassoni
- Plebejus crassipuncta
- Plebejus morronensis
- Plebejus vandarbani
- subgenus Pseudoaricia
- Plebejus dorsumstellae
- Plebejus hyacinthus
- Plebejus isaurica
- Plebejus nicais
- Plebejus teberdina
- Plebejus torulensis
- subgenus Icaricia
- Plebejus acmon
- Plebejus icarioides
- Plebejus lupini
- Plebejus neurona
- Plebejus shasta
- subgenus Agriades
- Plebejus aegargus
- Plebejus aquilo
- Plebejus diodorus
- Plebejus dis
- Plebejus ellisi
- Plebejus errans
- Plebejus forsteri
- Plebejus glandon
- Plebejus jaloka
- Plebejus janigena
- Plebejus kurtjohnsoni
- Plebejus morsheadi
- Plebejus pheretiades
- Plebejus podarce
- Plebejus pyrenaicus
- Plebejus sikkima
- Plebejus zullichi
- subgenus Plebejides
- Plebejus allardi
- Plebejus beani
- Plebejus hespericus
- Plebejus klausrosei
- Plebejus martini
- Plebejus pylaon
- Plebejus nichollae
- Plebejus patriarcha
- Plebejus philbyi
- Plebejus sephirus
- Plebejus trappi
- Plebejus vogelii
- Plebejus zephyrinus
- subgenus Albulina
- Albulina group
- Plebejus lehanus
- Plebejus orbitulus
- Plebejus amphirrhoe
- Plebejus artenita
- Plebejus arcaseia
- Plebejus asiatica
- Plebejus pharis
- Plebejus shahidulla
- Plebejus armathea
- Pamiria group
- Plebejus chrysopis
- Plebejus galathea
- Plebejus issa
- Plebejus metallica
- Plebejus omphisa
- Plebejus selma
- Patricius group
- Plebejus felicis
- Plebejus gaborronkayi
- Plebejus lucifera
- Plebejus themis
- Plebejus younghusbandi
- Plebejidea group
- Plebejus chamanica
- Plebejus fergana
- Plebejus kumukuleensis
- Plebejus loewii
- Plebejus rosei
- Plebejus sanoga
- Farsia group
- Plebejus antoninae
- Plebejus hanna
- Plebejus jurii
- Plebejus iris
- Plebejus morgiana
- Plebejus omotoi
- Plebejus rutilans
- Plebejus sieversii
- Vaciniina group
- Plebejus alcedo
- Plebejus optilete
- Albulina incertae sedis
- Plebejus lucifuga
- Plebejus lucina
- Plebejus orbona
- Albulina group
- subgenus Alpherakya
- Plebejus devanica
- Plebejus pilgram
- Plebejus sarta
- Plebejus sartoides
- Plebejus (Umpria) chinensis
The current groupings are based on a not entirely satisfactory attempt at synthesis of several sources. Different authors recognize different circumscriptions of Plebejus: Tuzov et al. (1997) consider many of the "subgenera" to be distinct genera; Lamas (2004) views Aricia as distinct but subsumes most others, and Butterflies of America (Pelham) makes Aricia a synonym of Plebejus. It is not even completely clear that these different circumscriptions make a congruent division of species between Plebejus s. l. and Polyommatus s. l., particularly for the MANY central Asian taxa that have been described in recent years.
Other Names for Plebejus
- Plebeius
- Rusticus
- Agriades
- Lycaeides
- Lycoena
- Albulina
- Vacciniina
- Gymnomorphia
- Eumedonia
- Icaricia
- Plebulina
- Pseudoaricia
- Ultraaricia
- Plebejides
- Plebejidea
- Xinjiangia
- Maurus
- Farsia
- Patricius
- Alpherakya
- Pamiria
- Umpria
Lamas, G. (ed.) 2004 Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papiionoidea. Gainesville: Scientific Publishers/Association of Tropical Lepidoptera.
Tuzov, V. K., Bogdanov, P. V., Devyatkin, A. L., Kaabak, L. V., Korolev, V. A., Murzin, V. S., Samodurov, G. D. & Tarasov, E. A. 1997 Guide to the butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Sofia: Pensoft.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Plebejus argus |
Location | Ködnitztal/Kals am Großglockner at about 2.300 m, Austria |
Acknowledgements | GNU head Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation license, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation license". |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Image:Plebejus_orbitulus_250706.jpg |
Source Collection | Wikimedia Commons |
Copyright | © 2005 Geiserich77 |
Scientific Name | Plebejus eudemon |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Eumedonia eumedon |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2008 YannickC |
Scientific Name | Plebejus melissa |
Location | Tucumcari, Quay Co., New Mexico, USA |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | DSC_9763a |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2008 Jerry Oldenettel |
About This Page
Andrew V. Z. Brower
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2008 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 19 May 2008
- Content changed 19 May 2008
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2008. Plebejus in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 19 May 2008 (under construction).