Diving Petrels

This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms.
The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right.

You can click on the root to travel down the Tree of Life all the way to the root of all Life, and you can click on the names of descendent subgroups to travel up the Tree of Life all the way to individual species.
For more information on ToL tree formatting, please see Interpreting the Tree or Classification. To learn more about phylogenetic trees, please visit our Phylogenetic Biology pages.
close boxRelationships after Nunn and Stanley 1998.
Brooke, M. 2004. Albatrosses and Petrels across the World. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.
Gill, F. and M. Wright. 2006. Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
Nunn, G. B. and S. E. Stanley. 1998. Body size effects and rates of cytochrome b evolution in tube-nosed seabirds. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15:1360-1371.
Onley, D. and P. Scofield. 2007. Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters of the World. Princeton Field Guides. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Warham, J. 1996. The Behaviour, Population Biology and Physiology of the Petrels. Academic Press, New York.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Pelecanoides garnotii |
Acknowledgements | Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source Collection | Wikimedia Commons |
Copyright | © Jaime Jahncke |
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Page copyright © 2008
Page: Tree of Life
Pelecanoididae. Pelecanoides. Diving Petrels.
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- First online 27 June 2008
- Content changed 27 June 2008
Citing this page:
Tree of Life Web Project. 2008. Pelecanoididae. Pelecanoides. Diving Petrels. Version 27 June 2008 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,