- Oxynopterus Hope, 1842
- Campsosternus Latreille, 1834
- Pectocera Hope, 1842
- Ceropectus Fleutiaux, 1927
- Rostrocephalus Fleutiaux, 1918
- Sinuaria Jordan, 1894
- Leptophyllus Hope, 1842
- Oistus Candèze, 1857
- Perissarthron Hyslop, 1917
- Melanactes LeConte, 1853
Oxynopterinae includes 10 genera and 70 species occurring in the Oriental region (Oxynopterus Hope, 1842; Campsosternus Latreille, 1834; Pectocera Hope 1842; Ceropectus Fleutiaux, 1927; Rostrocephalus Fleutiaux, 1918 and Sinuaria Jordan, 1894), African region (Leptophyllus Hope, 1842) and Neotropical region (Oistus Candèze, 1857; Perissarthron Hyslop, 1917 and Melanactes LeConte, 1853) (Johnson, 2002).About This Page
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- First online 26 February 2011
- Content changed 26 February 2011
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2011. Oxynopterinae. Version 26 February 2011 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Oxynopterinae/145943/2011.02.26 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/