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Containing group: Termitidae


Abe, T. D. E. Bignell, M. Higashi, eds. 2000. Termites: Evolution, Sociality, Symbiosis, Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishing, Dordrecht.

Bergamaschi, S., T. Z. Dawes-Gromadzki, A. Luchetti, M. Marini and B. Mantovani. 2007. Molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships among Australian Nasutitermes and Tumulitermes genera (Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae) inferred from mitochondrial COII and 16S sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45(3):813-821.

Cancello, E. M. and T. G. Myles. 2000. Noirotitermes noiroti (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae): a new genus and new species from northeastern Brazil. Sociobiology 36(3):531-546.

Chuah, C. H., S. H. Goh, and Y. P. Tho. 1989. Interspecific variation in defense secretions of Malaysian termites from the genus Nasutitermes (Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 15(2):549-564.

Kambhampati, S. and P. Eggleton. 2000. Phylogenetics and Taxonomy. Pages 1-23 in: Termites: Evolution, Sociality, Symbioses, Ecology. T. Abe, D. E. Bignell, and M. Higashi, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishing, Dordrecht.

Miura, T., Y. Roisin, and T. Matsumoto. 2000. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the nasute termite genus Nasutitermes (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Pacific tropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 17(1):1-10.

Miura, T. and T. Matsumoto. 2000. Soldier morphogenesis in a nasute termite: discovery of a disc-like structure forming a soldier nasus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 267(1449):1185-1189.

Title Illustrations
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Scientific Name Syntermes spinosus
Location Venezuela
Reference J. Desneux. 1904. Isoptera. Fam. Termitidae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 25:1-53.
Sex worker
Scientific Name Syntermes spinosus
Location Brazil
Reference J. Desneux. 1904. Isoptera. Fam. Termitidae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 25:1-53
Sex queen
Scientific Name Syntermes spinosus
Location French Guyana
Reference J. Desneux. 1904. Isoptera. Fam. Termitidae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 25:1-53
Sex soldier
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2003. Nasutitermitinae. Version 01 January 2003 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Nasutitermitinae/11564/2003.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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