Mesosemia type species = M. philoclessa Hübner, [1819]
Andrew V. Z. Brower- Mesosemia ackeryi
- Mesosemia acuta
- Mesosemia adida
- Mesosemia ahava
- Mesosemia albipuncta
- Mesosemia amarantus
- Mesosemia anceps
- Mesosemia antaerice
- Mesosemia araeostyla
- Mesosemia asa
- Mesosemia bahia
- Mesosemia bella
- Mesosemia carderi
- Mesosemia carissima
- Mesosemia ceropia
- Mesosemia cippus
- Mesosemia coelestis
- Mesosemia cordillerensis
- Mesosemia cyanira
- Mesosemia cymotaxis
- Mesosemia decolorata
- Mesosemia dulcis
- Mesosemia ephyne
- Mesosemia epidius
- Mesosemia erinnya
- Mesosemia esmeralda
- Mesosemia esperanza
- Mesosemia eugenea
- Mesosemia eumene
- Mesosemia eurythmia
- Mesosemia evias
- Mesosemia friburgensis
- Mesosemia gaudiolum
- Mesosemia gemina
- Mesosemia gertraudis
- Mesosemia gneris
- Mesosemia grandis
- Mesosemia harveyi
- Mesosemia hedwigis
- Mesosemia hesperina
- Mesosemia hypermegala
- Mesosemia ibycus
- Mesosemia impedita
- Mesosemia inconspicua
- Mesosemia isshia
- Mesosemia jucunda
- Mesosemia judicialis
- Mesosemia kahuapayani
- Mesosemia kwokii
- Mesosemia lacernata
- Mesosemia lamachus
- Mesosemia lapillus
- Mesosemia latizonata
- Mesosemia loruhama
- Mesosemia luperca
- Mesosemia lycorias
- Mesosemia macella
- Mesosemia machaera
- Mesosemia macrina
- Mesosemia maeotis
- Mesosemia magete
- Mesosemia mamilia
- Mesosemia mancia
- Mesosemia mathania
- Mesosemia mayi
- Mesosemia meeda
- Mesosemia mehida
- Mesosemia melaene
- Mesosemia melese
- Mesosemia melpia
- Mesosemia menoetes
- Mesosemia mesoba
- Mesosemia messeis
- Mesosemia methion
- Mesosemia metope
- Mesosemia metuana
- Mesosemia metura
- Mesosemia mevania
- Mesosemia vemania
- Mesosemia minos
- Mesosemia minutula
- Mesosemia misipsa
- Mesosemia modulata
- Mesosemia moesia
- Mesosemia mosera
- Mesosemia myonia
- Mesosemia myrmecias
- Mesosemia naiadella
- Mesosemia nerine
- Mesosemia nyctea
- Mesosemia nympharena
- Mesosemia odice
- Mesosemia olivencia
- Mesosemia orbona
- Mesosemia ozora
- Mesosemia pacifica
- Mesosemia pardalis
- Mesosemia phace
- Mesosemia philocles
- Mesosemia porce
- Mesosemia portentosa
- Mesosemia praeculta
- Mesosemia putli
- Mesosemia quadrilineata
- Mesosemia reba
- Mesosemia rhodia
- Mesosemia scotina
- Mesosemia sibyllina
- Mesosemia sifia
- Mesosemia sirenia
- Mesosemia steli
- Mesosemia subtilis
- Mesosemia synnephis
- Mesosemia telegone
- Mesosemia tenebricosa
- Mesosemia teulem
- Mesosemia thera
- Mesosemia thetys
- Mesosemia thyas
- Mesosemia thymetus
- Mesosemia ulrica
- Mesosemia veneris
- Mesosemia walteri
- Mesosemia zanoa
- Mesosemia zikla
- Mesosemia zonalis
- Mesosemia zorea
A very large neotropical genus. Adults of Mesosemia have characteristic black eyespots with two or three white flecks on the forewings. Males are territorial and perch on leaves to keep watch for other butterflies, which they vigorously pursue. Larvae feed on Rubiaceae and Acanthaceae (Constantino et al. 2009).Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
The last full revision of the genus was by Seitz (1916), who organized the genus into ten species groups, some of which have been subsequently removed to separate genera (e. g. Semomesia Westwood, 1851). Because Seitz' species groups were largely based on superficial wing-pattern characters that may not represent monophyletic groups, the species are here listed in alphabetical order, except for a few recently-described taxa in which the authors have suggested affinities to older species.
Lamas G ed. 2004. Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papiionoidea. Gainesville: Scientific Publishers/Association of Tropical Lepidoptera.
Salazar Escobar, J.A., Rodriguez, G.,Constantino, L.M. 2009. Contribución al conocimiento del género Mesosemia Hübner [1819] en Colombia y descripción de nuevos taxa (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae). Boletín Cientifico del Centro de Museos - Museo de Historia Natural, Caldas 13, 174-240.
Seitz, A. 1916. Mesosemia Hbn. in Seitz, A. (ed). The Macrolepidoptera of the World, Vol. 5, pp. 638-648.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Mesosemia lacernata |
Location | Rio Cristalino Lodge, Matto Grosso, Brasil |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Gill Carter |
Life Cycle Stage | adults |
View | dorsal |
Source | Lacernata Eyemark |
Source Collection | Neotropical Butterflies |
Copyright | © 2004 Gill Carter |
Scientific Name | Mesosemia telegone |
Location | Domatila Lodge, Nicaragua |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Richard Lehman |
Life Cycle Stage | adults |
View | dorsal |
Source | Telegone Eyemark |
Source Collection | Neotropical Butterflies |
Copyright | © 2003 Richard Lehman |
About This Page
Andrew V. Z. Brower
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2012 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Mesosemia type species = M. philoclessa Hübner, [1819].
Authored by
Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 02 May 2007
- Content changed 12 March 2012
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Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2012. Mesosemia type species = M. philoclessa Hübner, [1819]. Version 12 March 2012 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,