the woolly legs
Andrew V. Z. Brower- Lachnocnema abyssinica
- Lachnocnema albimacula
- Lachnocnema angolanus
- Lachnocnema bamptoni
- Lachnocnema bibulus
- Lachnocnema brimoides
- Lachnocnema brunea
- Lachnocnema busoga
- Lachnocnema camerunica
- Lachnocnema congoensis
- Lachnocnema disrupta
- Lachnocnema divergens
- Lachnocnema dohertyi
- Lachnocnema ducarmei
- Lachnocnema durbani
- Lachnocnema emperamus
- Lachnocnema exiguus
- Lachnocnema inexpectata
- Lachnocnema intermedia
- Lachnocnema jacksoni
- Lachnocnema jolyana
- Lachnocnema katangae
- Lachnocnema kiellandi
- Lachnocnema laches
- Lachnocnema luna
- Lachnocnema magna
- Lachnocnema makakensis
- Lachnocnema nigrocellularis
- Lachnocnema obscura
- Lachnocnema overlaeti
- Lachnocnema pseudobibulus
- Lachnocnema regularis
- Lachnocnema reutlingeri
- Lachnocnema riftensis
- Lachnocnema sosia
- Lachnocnema tanzaniensis
- Lachnocnema trianglaris
- Lachnocnema unicolor
- Lachnocnema vuattouxi
An African genus to which many species have been added recently due to the revision of Libert (1996).References
Libert, M. 1996 Contribution a l'etude des Lycaenidae africains - revision du genre Lachnocnema Trimen (Lepidopter Lycaenidae). Lambillionea 96, 185-202, 367-386, 479-500.
About This Page
Andrew V. Z. Brower
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2007 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. the woolly legs.Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 05 November 2007
- Content changed 05 November 2007
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2007. Lachnocnema in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. the woolly legs. Version 05 November 2007 (under construction).