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- Trachystegosoma
- Trichidryas
- Tropoleptusa
- Troposilusa
- Typhlomalota
- Xenobiota
- Bolitocharina
- Gyrophaenina
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Leptusa ruficollis |
Reference | Reitter, Edmund. 1908. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. Band 2. Fauna Germanica. K. G. Lutz Verlag, Stuttgart. |
Source Collection | BioLib Online Library of Biological Books |
Scientific Name | Bolitochara lucida |
Reference | Reitter, Edmund. 1908. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. Band 2. Fauna Germanica. K. G. Lutz Verlag, Stuttgart. |
Source Collection | BioLib Online Library of Biological Books |
Scientific Name | Silusa rubiginosa |
Reference | Reitter, Edmund. 1908. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. Band 2. Fauna Germanica. K. G. Lutz Verlag, Stuttgart. |
Source Collection | BioLib Online Library of Biological Books |
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- First online 25 April 2007
- Content changed 25 April 2007
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